How I see it

If you remove NO’s and CANT's then what is left are opportunities.
Don’t fall in the trap of limiting beliefs, they can sever your wings.
Love and be kind to yourself.
You deserve to be seen, appreciated and valued for who you are, not for what you are doing.

We are human beings, not human doings.

I am merely a facilitator, you are the creators of your change.

Focus and Role

The role of a Life Coach is to help people see things from a different perspective and give them the confidence to move forward.  One of the most common reasons to start working with a coach is the feeling of being "stuck."

To get you "unstuck" a Coach will help identify the obstacles that keep getting in the way, assist in finding motivation and pinpoint patterns or resistance to change.

The focus is on what’s happening right now, what a person wants next and how that gap can be bridged.

Coaching is focused on personal growth and development. Coaches help their clients identify a plan, develop and utilize the right tools to reach their goals.

Coaching focuses on achieving goals, behavior changes, shifting perspectives, and overall



« The wound is the place where The Light enters you » - Rumi