
I moved to Geneva, Switzerland in 2005 when I got married.
Between my second and third child I fell into a depression. With my husband’s support and
encouragement I started therapy, which I followed for 10 years. It wasn’t easy but it enlightened me.

In 2019, I started seeing a Life Coach and a whole new world opened up. I was finally « getting it ». I was understanding myself, my own actions as well as the ones of those around me. Feelings, emotions and behaviors started making sense. I started finally making sense to myself.

One day, on my way back from a session, I had this burning need to do something, to help.

If coaching helped me so much, how many people are there out there who might benefit? I wanted to give back.

Covid happened and put many things in perspective. Priorities changed and I turned my sight inward. I wanted to unfold more layers, I wanted to go deeper in my understanding of my own self.

I followed an online Psychology course, parenting online courses and in 2022 I completed my
training as a Life Coach.

My Vision

« Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself »
- Rumi